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Mehdi Lahchimi, February 26 2020

French Written Expression Guide - How to Pass Your Government of Canada French SLE Test

Written Expression Format

In this 90-minute test, various texts are presented to you in the form of email, notes, memos, letters, newsletters, extracts from reports, research work, etc. Your task is to carefully read each of these texts and answer the questions by choosing the best answer for each of the questions.

The test contains 65 multiple-choice questions and consists of two types of questions: 

1) fill in blank spaces (approximately 50-55 questions) and 

2) identify the passage of a paragraph containing an error (approximately 10-15 questions).

Note that 10 of the 65 questions are pilot questions that are not counted. The cut points are as follows:


Type 1: Fill in the blank – For this type of question, you are presented with a text containing a blank. Your task is to choose the word or group of words that best completes the text from among the four answers provided.

Question 1: Quel mot ou groupe de mots complète le mieux le texte

Plusieurs personnes auront la chance d’obtenir une chaise ergonomique _______ les mois à venir.

1. par 

2. sur 

3. en 

4. dans

**In this case, answer choice four best completes the text. Therefore, you would select number four.

Type 2: Error identification – Your task is to identify which selected words or groups of words within the text, which have been underlined and put in bold, contains one or more errors. If none of the underlined sections contains one or more errors, select answer choice 4, “Aucune correction”.

Question 2: Laquelle des sections soulignées suivantes comporte une ou plusieurs erreurs? S'il n'y a pas d'erreur, choisissez la réponse 4 « aucune correction ».

Le ministre de l'Environnement a récemment prononcé un discours dans l'assemblée générale annuelle (1) de l'Association canadienne de l'hydroélectricité. Le ministre en a profité pour souligner les initiatives visant à encourager (2) les producteurs d'énergie renouvelable, les particuliers ainsi que les entreprises (3), et à réduire leurs émissions de gaz à effet de serre.

1. dans l'assemblée générale annuelle

2. les initiatives visant à encourager

3. les particuliers ainsi que les entreprises 

4. aucune correction

**In this case, answer choice 1 is the best answer. Therefore, you would select Number 1.

Important notions

Here are a list of the most important notions to master:

French Written Expression Rest Results

You can get information about your test results, how long they are valid and your recourse mechanisms online.

Please consult the Public Service Commission's website for more information.

Don't hesitate to contact us to get your free 1-on-1 assessement by one of our tutors!

And always remember...

Written by

Mehdi Lahchimi


Next Government of Canada French Oral Proficiency Guide - French SLE Test Preparation